Home / Products / Tile Adhesives / Binachem X7G

Binachem X7G

Available brands - Binachem

Binachem Binafix – tile adhesive (Conforms to DIN 18156 M, ANSI A118.4, and BS: EN 12004 as C2TE, ISO 13007)

Product description
Key features
BINACHEM X7G is a powder mix of special cements, fillers and admixtures. BINACHEM X7G is an excellent economical choice for setting porcelain, marble, slate and granite in indoor or outdoor residential and light commercial floors, even with freeze/thaw conditions.


  • Fixing of floor, wall and ceiling tiles of mosaic, ceramic, stoneware, brick ad light weight rigid foam.
  • BINACHEM X7G gives improved qualities for flexible and water repellent mortar bed preparations, adhesion of large size tiles with smooth and dense backs and fixing of stoneware tiles on impervious substrate.
  • BINACHEM X7G is an excellent choice for installing tiles over multiple substrate, like Gypsum Board, Cement Board, Concrete, plasterboard, Cement Masonry, Cement Mortar Bed & Masonry Block & Bricks.


  • 25 Kg Bags

Notch trowel

Coverage *

6mm x 6mm

1.2 – 2.3 Kg Powder/m2

*Coverage data are for general guidance. Actual consumption depend upon substrate, application techniques & wastages etc.

Mixing & Application:

Add 25 Kg powder to 6 - 7.5 liters water and mix by hand or with a slow speed mixer to homogenous, smooth trowelable consistency. Allow mixed to slake for 5-10 minutes .Adjust consistency if required. Remix and apply with proper sized notched trowel. Choose a trowel that will give a coverage to the back of the tiles of at least 65-70% for walls or for internal light foot traffic. For heavy traffic and for external application, the coverage must be 100%. Comb on additional mortar with the notched side. a coverage to the back of the tiles of at least 65-70% for walls or for internal light foot traffic.

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