BINACHEM EXPAN-M4 Grout is a blend of Portland cement, special admixtures and proprietary aggregates designed to provide high flexural and compressive strength performance from plastic to fluid consistencies. BINACHEM EXPAN-M4 is non-metallic, non-shrink, non-gas forming and contains no chlorides or aluminum powders. It is specially used when repair of high strength concrete is required.
Approximate coverage
2-2.5 Kg Powder Per 1 Litre Mortar
*Coverage data are for general guidance. Actual consumption depend upon substrate, application techniques & wastages etc.
Mixing & Application:
Add 25 Kg powder to 3.5±0.5 liters water and mix to homogenous, lump free grout consistency using a slow rotating drill (max. 250 rpm) and avoiding entrapment of any air. When underpouring machines a form of non-absorbing materials is built around the base plate to a height slightly greater than the gap to be filled. Pour BINACHEM EXPAN-M4 from one side until it appears on all sides of the form consolidation and can be assisted by light tapping of the shuttering.
© ICC Cement PVT. LTD.
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